Myths and truths of new year’s rituals

Happy New Year card
Picture of Luz Harman

Luz Harman

Do they work? If I skip them, am I going to have a bad year? 

Where I come from (Peru), as soon as it is December 26th, you will see plenty of stores selling yellow underwear, candles, and that stuff. Regardless of your beliefs, origin, costumes, or whether you believe in them or not, the truth is that back there it is tradition for (almost) everyone.

You have probably heard about these rituals:

  • Eat 12 grapes at 12 am to attract 12 months of luck
  • Wear yellow underwear to attract fortune or a red one to attract love/passion
  • Walk around your block with a suitcase to travel all year
  • Put a bowl with rice and lentils with some coins to attract prosperity
  • Burn out a paper with our wishes written on it.
  • Light golden or yellow candles 

As a holistic nutritionist, I believe that it will all depend on the energy that you put into it. If you truly believe that doing this or that will bring prosperity and help you achieve your goals in the new year, you are setting your mindset to attract it. 

And here, the law of attraction is applied: Ask the universe for it and imagine yourself achieving those goals and manifest it! But don’t do it for only one day. The key here is consistency and having a plan to get there. Visualize yourself every day not only achieving those goals but also visualize working hard for them and being realistic.

For example, if your goal is weight loss, visualize yourself working hard on it by eating a balanced diet, exercising, sleeping better, and achieving a healthy body.

New year conceptual image
New year conceptual image

Which rituals do I do for New Year’s Eve?

  1. Write your wishes and light a candle:

I like to light a 24-hour golden or yellow candle with an intention. I write my realistic wishes on a piece of paper and finish it by writing down “so be it, thank you, thank you, thank you” and place it under the candle. 

Light the candle during the night and at 12am, read your wishes and then burn the paper with the light of the candle. You can burn it inside a metal bowl.

Blow the ashes away! Into a garden, ocean, lake, river or just into the soil. The idea here is that those ashes reach the soil or water (for Mother Earth)

*This year, I will spend it in Toronto (Niagara Falls to be exact) and I do not think I will be able to light a candle. But I will bring a lighter and burn my written wishes and blow them into the falls. 

  1. Underwear: Yes, I do use yellow or red underwear LOL (it does not have to be new)
  1. Prosperity bowl:

On the 31st, in the morning I put a bowl with rice, cheap coffee beans, and lentils with bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and coins. 

Then, I hover my 2 hands over the bowl and offer it to the universe and visualize myself being able to always pay my bills and getting paid. Finish it by saying “so be it, thank you, thank you, thank you”

Wish you a wonderful 2022 full of love, health, and prosperity! 

Which New Year’s rituals do you do?

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