Do you take antibiotics frequently? You should be aware of this!

Pharmaceuticals antibiotics pills medicine mock up. Colorful antibacterials pills on wooden
Picture of Luz Harman

Luz Harman

Close to 40 TRILLION microorganisms (yes! That many) live in our bodies. These microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, yeast, and protozoa (basically parasites – remember that we are animals as well!). All of these conform to our microbiome where they live symbiotically with our body (we both benefit from each other) if there is a balance.

We live in a world in which antibiotics are taken like candies, even without knowing if you have an infection, and most people don’t know the consequences of doing that.

Pills and tablets on pink background, healthcare medical concept, antibiotics and cure

As a holistic nutritionist, I see these cases regularly, not only here in Canada, but in many other countries.

Taking antibiotics EXCESSIVELY can kill your microbiome, weakening your body. These microorganisms live not only in our gut, but also in our mouth, genitals (especially vagina!), bladder, skin, lungs, and many other organs!

So, why are these microorganisms so important?

Just in our GUT: 

  • Aid with nutrients absorption
  • Synthetize B vitamins (especially B12 and folate) for energy, fertility, formation of blood cells, etc.
  • Synthesize 90% of our neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, GABA, etc.). This is why gut health is so related to mental health!
  • Regulate bowel movements: this could be the reason why taking antibiotics can cause diarrhea or constipation.
  • Inhibit the growth of pathogens, which prevent recurrent infections

In our genitals, urinary tract, skin, lungs, and mouth

  • Basically maintain pH levels and inhibit the growth of pathogens. 

How can you take care of your microbiome? Check this out!

  1. Avoid showering with antibacterial soap, try instead a neutral pH soap such as natural glycerine-based ones.
  2. Take probiotics that come with a capsule resistant to stomach acid (enteric coating), otherwise, a good amount of them will die. This way probiotics will get perfectly where they need to go inside our body. Some brands that I recommend are: Genestra, Garden of Life, Pure, New Roots, Cyto Matrix.
  3. Eat natural fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir (there’s a way to make water-based kefir), tempeh and kombucha, but not on an empty stomach.
  4. Use a gentle detergent to wash your clothes and double rinse them to remove any excess of chemicals.
  5. Avoid scented vaginal soaps and products. The best is to just wash it with water and a little vinegar.
  6. Use organic skin care instead of conventional.
  7. Talk to a holistic nutritionist to help you! Remember, there is so much you can do for your specific body.  

Which of these recommendations do you already know?

Leave me a comment below

With love, 


Toronto, Ontario.

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