Why is it important to detox?

Picture of Luz Harman

Luz Harman

Toxins are present everywhere: the environment, water, food, cleaning, body care products, etc. Over time, our liver can get overloaded with toxins, making us feel sluggish, fatigued, and even making us sick.

Most of us do not chew our food enough, slowing down our digestion, causing malabsorption of nutrients, and creating the perfect environment for unwanted microorganisms to overgrow (such as yeast, bacteria, parasites, virus, etc.). This is evident when we start having unhealthy cravings. For example, the yeast Candida Albicans is part of our gut flora. Candida overgrowing can cause crazy cravings for sweets, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, and alcohol, which is what Candida feeds on.

Healthy and raw detox juices for a better life. Easy to prepare and delicious to drink

Per Ayurvedic Medicine, “Ama” is the root cause of many diseases. “Ama” means “undigested”, a morbid, toxic sticky substance made of undigested food. The presence of ama in the system leads to fatigue, and a feeling of heaviness, inducing constipation, indigestion, gases, diarrhea, bad breath/ bitter taste in your mouth, mental confusion/fog, body aches and stiffness, and a white coating in your tongue.

Interesting, right? Are you thinking about detoxing? 

When we think about detox, I can assure you that most of you believe that you will have to fast, feel hungry, and moody, and eat boring and tasteless food. As a chef, I can assure you that detox does not need to be starving, boring, and tasteless. We can work together in designing a Detox plan that will be delicious and satisfying! 

A couple of FYI:

  • Depending on your level of toxicity, you could experience headaches, fatigue, loose stools, and bloating during the first few days. This means your body is starting to release all these toxins. After that, it is very likely that you will feel amazing, and energized, your skin tone will improve a lot (especially for people with acne and big pores), you may lose some weight and even chronic pain and infections may improve. As my clients said to me, “After detox, I’m glowing!”

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  • During detox, you may feel more emotional. This is because when you detox, you consume higher vibrational foods (fresh fruits and veggies). This can unblock your chakras (energy centers of the body), which can help release trauma and trapped emotions. This means that your energetic body is detoxing as well, and it is also time to look inside, forgive, and let go. If you combine this detox with yoga, it will become even more powerful!

Just remember: the cleaner your liver is, the more efficient your metabolism will become; therefore, the faster it will burn out fats!

These are the results of an active male client, 40 years old, after 1 month of detox: 

How he started, and after 1 month:

Are you ready to glow with this detox?

Enroll here ? https://www.myigita.com/workshops/?mobile=false&options%5Bids%5D=4217&options%5Bsite_id%5D=10807

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