Let’s talk about yeast infections!

Picture of Luz Harman

Luz Harman

Yeast infections are infections caused by the overgrowth of fungus in our bodies. They are uncomfortable and tend to be recurrent. Seems like no matter what you do, they keep coming back.

Where do they come from?

Most of the time, the root cause of yeast infections lies in your gut flora… (What!? Yes!).

Candida is a type of yeast that lives in our intestines. The overgrowth of this yeast can cause candidiasis, the most common yeast infection. And how a yeast that lives in our intestine ends all over our body? The answer is through blood.

Candida can travel with the bloodstream to ANY part of our body. Do you wonder why sometimes you experience vertigo, brain fog, dizziness, and lack of focus mood swings? Well, these are possible symptoms of candida affecting your brain and also your hormones!

It also affects your digestion causing irregular bowel movements, gas or bloating, and food sensitivities.

One of the most uncomfortable candida infections is the vaginal, which causes an odorless white discharge and very annoying itchiness, followed by redness in the area.

Traditional treatments for vaginal yeast infections are based on anti-fungal suppositories, creams, and pills which can be effective in dealing with the symptoms but do not address the root causes, being this the reason why yeast infections keep coming back over and over.

So, what causes Candida or yeast overgrowth?

Ok, are you ready?

Candida feeds on refined carbohydrates, sugar, dairy, eggs (especially egg white), and caffeine.

High intake of these foods will cause candida to overgrow in your body. If you have crazy cravings for sweets, alcohol (especially fermented, such as beer, wine, or cider), or caffeine, it’s Candida asking to be fed!

Other contributors to yeast overgrowth are birth control (IUD, injections, patches, pills, etc.), the use of synthetic clothes, (especially underwear as it generates excessive moist, the use of scented detergents and softener to wash your underwear, a low immune system, regular use of antibiotics, chemotherapy, unprotected sex, and high blood sugar.

If you suffer from frequent yeast infections, send me a text or email. I would love to help you!

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